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Prof. Dr. Britta Gehrke

University of Rostock



Britta Gehrke has been professor of applied macroeconomics at the University of Rostock since April 2020. She is further affiliated with IAB (Institute for Employment Research) Nuremberg and IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Before, she was assistant professor at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and at IAB. She was a visiting researcher at the University of Queensland and Adelaide and at the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. In 2014, she gained her doctoral degree from the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg.

Her research interest focuses on macroeconomics, labor markets and business cycles. For example, her projects investigate the role of policies such as fiscal policy or short-time work over the business cycle, structural reforms and the interaction of financial and labor markets. Her work has been published in international economic journals and is discussed in policy pieces.